

Timely, Informative Articles for Active Jobseekers


How to Combat Age Discrimination as a Job Seeker

super-heroApparently it’s not just Hollywood that has a love affair with youth. Many employers seem to as well. I’m reminded of the problems older job seekers face every time I talk with them at a workshop or interview them for a resume or LinkedIn makeover.

So, these tips are especially for you if you were born before 1965.

If you are unemployed because you were laid off, resist the temptation to take a vacation. Don’t act retired. Instead, dive into the job hunt! Doing so demonstrates your strong work ethic and youthful enthusiasm. Employers love a positive attitude and a passion for work.

Face it: some industries are going to be more receptive to boomers than other industries. Therefore, be practical about where you look for jobs. Smaller, more traditional organizations, including nonprofits, trade associations and niche educational programs, usually have smaller staffs, and are more likely to value experience and expertise.

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How to Claim Your LinkedIn Vanity URL

A vanity URL makes your LinkedIn profile easier to find, easier to remember, and more professional. Once you have your new URL, put it on your resume, add it to your email signature, and use it anytime you have a chance to promote yourself.

To change your URL from something like this:, to something like this:, follow the steps below.

      1. Click the “Me” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
      2. Click “View profile.”
      3. On your profile page, click “Edit public profile & URL” on the right rail.
      4. Under “Edit URL” in the right rail, click the “Edit” icon next to your public profile URL. It’ll be an address that looks like
      5. Type the last part of your new custom URL in the text box.
      6. Click “Save.”

Master the Art of Small Talk in 7 Easy Steps

master-art-small-talk-six-easy-steps-copyYou’ve been invited to have lunch with someone you hope will mentor you, but you don’t have a clue what to talk about.

At a networking session for your industry, you’re tongue tied about familiar topics.

You’ve joined a club to make new friends, but no members are approaching you at meetings.

Eighty per cent of all hires are secured through networking, through people knowing other people. So, it’s no wonder that career coaches and successful businesspeople preach the value of networking, mingling, making connections, and building relationships. But how?

The answer, surprisingly, is small talk.

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The Easy Way to Write Good LinkedIn Recommendations

Whether you do it to sincerely help people you like, or in order to grow your own network, writing an enviable LinkedIn recommendation is an important job-seeking skill.

But I don’t know anyone whose definition of a fun afternoon is putting together interesting testimonials for every co-worker, friend, boss, client, classmate, and family member on LinkedIn. Take heart. There are ways to streamline the task and still deliver the goods.

When you write an effective recommendation, it makes you look good! Every intelligent, accurate, and positive reference you write increases the likelihood that your contact will reciprocate. And anyone reading your well-done recommendations will know what a stellar individual you are.Read more

Soft Skills: How To Shake Hands

handshakeThe sweaty palm. The vise grip. The pump handle. The dead fish. These are the handshakes that don’t create a favorable impression.

Although I’ve never heard of a handshake so bad it blew a job offer off the table, the perfect handshake is something every jobseeker needs. It’s a social skill that telegraphs to a new acquaintance what a fine person you are – that you know how to make friends, behave yourself, and yet have some spunk.

So, before your next job interview, review my pointers for what makes the perfect handshake. In just a few minutes, you can boost your likability score.Read more

Countdown to a Perfect Video Interview: 30 Pointers for Success

countdown-perfect-video-interviewUnless you’re accustomed to talking in front of a video camera, you’re probably not looking forward to any interview conducted via webcam.

But since the video interview is increasingly common, if you’re serious about landing a great new job, you’ll be smart to learn some simple facts about the process.

With a little practice you can make a great impression during your on-screen interview. Let’s take it step by step to get you up to speed.Read more

The Smart Way to Change Your Career


If you’re unhappy with your job, maybe a new job isn’t the answer.

Maybe a new kind of job is what you really want, a change of career. People change careers for all kinds of reasons and at different stages of their lives.

More than half of all American workers want to change careers, so if you are thinking along these lines, you’re in the majority. The first step in deciding if a career shift is a good idea is to examine your reasons for wanting to change direction.Read more

5 Steps to Planning Your Job Search

daily_plannerIf one of your goals for 2015 is to advance your career with a better job, let’s get started!

For most people, just the thought of looking for work – the research, the applications, the interviews, the networking – seems daunting. But if you break the process into manageable steps, you’ll feel in control, be able to track your efforts, and have better “luck” finding that dream job.

Here is my list of the five most important steps to get a new job.Read more

How to Look for Work When You Have a Job

look-for-work-copy“If my boss thinks I might quit, he won’t trust me. He won’t give me any big projects or more responsibilities.”

“My current company has an informal policy to fire you if they learn you are looking for a new job.”

“If my co-workers know I’m thinking of leaving, they won’t see me as a team player anymore.”

“My supervisor will be so mad he’ll never give me a good recommendation.”

These are some of the concerns I hear from clients who are planning to look for work while they are still employed. Clearly, job hunting while still employed is tricky.Read more

If You Think You’ll Lose Your Job

I talk to people all the time who have been fired. Sometimes they see it coming, and sometimes it’s a surprise.

Kaitlyn worked as a research lab technician. She told me, “I noticed I was being left out of key decisions and meetings.” She suspected that a change was coming.

But for another client, Carlos, an events coordinator, the pink slip came as a shock. He told me, “I didn’t even realize the company was in trouble and getting ready to downsize.”

Because it’s always easier to find a job when you have a job, having your resume up-to-date is just plain smart. Even if your present position isn’t in jeopardy, you never know when opportunity—a better job—will come looking for you.Read more